RP - Restorative Practice
Develop caring, empathy & community in schools.
We know that repairing harm is a better alternative to punishment. Would you love to know the right questions to ask and the correct measures to take when a student is hurt in some way by another student? Classrooms and schools where relationships are nurtured and cared for are simply better places in which to work and learn. Welcome to restorative practice.
Everything to do with restorative practice is based on relationships and the need when things go wrong to mend relationships - and before things go wrong to stress relationships, so incidents don’t occur.
We know that schools are not, never were and never will be a utopia. They are brim-full of people and where there are people, there are complex relationships.
It’s a simple fact. Outside of utopia, we know that harm will be done at some point to people and relationships, for any number of reasons. We see it all the time in our schools, playgrounds and classrooms. However, when harm is done it creates obligations and liabilities that need to be resolved.
And this is the crux of the matter: it is the response of those involved that will determine what happens next.
When that incident happens, what you do as a teacher will be crucial for all.
Teachers practicing restorative practice techniques focus on repairing the harm and making things right by following a set of techniques, practices and in particular, a specific question set to guide the ensuing conversations.
During restorative conferencing, specific language and questions based on the ‘Restorative Conference Script’ are used. The person facilitating the conversations asks a set of scripted questions to those involved in an incident.
The goal of resolving conflict in relationships is not about victory or defeat. It is about reaching understanding and letting go of our need to be right.
By saying – “Let’s Talk”, and by asking questions, we demonstrate that this meeting is not a punishment, it’s a conversation.
To respond to challenging behaviour, ask:
- What happened?
- What were you thinking at the time?
- What have you thought about since?
- Who has been affected by what you have done? In what way?
- What do you think you need to do to make things right?
To help those harmed by others' actions, ask:
- What did you think when you realised what had happened?
- What impact has the incident had on you and others?
- What has been the hardest thing for you?
- What do you think needs to happen to make things right?
Be known for being kind. Be known for asking all the right questions, and for repairing & restoring relationships.
This course will begin your own journey into embracing and becoming a ‘restorative practices’ practitioner, taking a measured and evidence-based approach to dealing with people when harm is done.
We are delighted to have Bill Hansberry as a contributing author to this course. Bill has written numerous books and articles on the topic of Restorative Practice in schools and he is widely regarded as one of the foremost experts in the world in this area.
Another feature of this course is a series of podcasts from teachers across schools in Ireland. They tell us in their own words, their practical experiences of implementing restorative practice, how they use it and what works well for them.
Return to school in September with a new skills set, empowered to work restoratively with your pupils and reap the rewards in better relationships, happier classrooms, improved learning for them and greater job satisfaction for YOU!
Enrol today and become that 2024 restorative practices practitioner that every classroom deserves.
The online format of this course enables you to study at a time and place that best suits your own needs.
You can access your course anytime until March 31st 2025.
Within this highly interactive web-based course, a dynamic learning experience awaits, where you can interact with your fellow course participants through the in-course chat forums and communication tools provided by the CPD College learning system.
Our friendly and knowledgeable tutors actively support each course, providing expert interaction, guidance and feedback for all participants on chat questions and assignments which call for critical reflection, self-analysis and a reasoned response.
On successful completion of your course, you can download and print off your CPD record and certificate of completion.
We look forward to welcoming you to your course.
The aims of this e-learning course are:
- To provide teachers with a full understanding of restorative practice and how it can enhance their ability to support children to reach in their class to reach their full potential
- To equip teachers with the full range of skills required to conduct effective restorative practices with their students
- To instil in teachers the importance of language, empathy and relationships and how these elements can be embedded within a restorative culture and value-set within the school
- To give teachers a set of strategies for the effective implementation of restorative practice in individual and group settings to ensure best outcomes for behaviour management
- To provide teacher with an implementation blueprint for making restorative practice happen within their school from both an individual and whole-school perspective
01 - What exactly is restorative practice?: Understanding exactly what restorative practice means and how it can benefit me as a teacher. |
02 - Restorative approaches: The restorative practice continuum. Understanding how to conduct effective individual and group conferences. |
03 - Restorative culture and values: Making restorative practice a core school value and part of the mindset of all teachers. |
04 - Restorative practice and behaviour management: Understanding the importance of empathy and relationships. Specific approaches and strategies for effective restorative practice in managing challenging behaviours. |
05 - Making it happen - Steps for school implementation: How do we become a restorative practice school? Individual and whole school approaches to making it happen in practice. |
“I would like to thank everybody who has been involved in the facilitation of this course, it has, as always been superb. Very professionally run, superb resources and articles, as well as being easy to use. I am now fully confident in the knowledge that I can apply restorative practice to resolve difficult situations next year, my students will benefit and I know my school will benefit when I share the practice with colleagues." Lorraine, 2023