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BH - 101 Behaviour Transformers

Game changer ideas, tips and strategies

About the Course

Have you ever felt that the afternoon teaching session would have been so much more enjoyable or successful for all, both you and the class as a whole, if only the behaviour of a certain individual or individuals had just been better or if you had dealt with it in a more effective way?

Often it is the constant struggle to maintain good behaviours for learning that most drains the spirit, consumes the energy and dulls the enthusiasm of you the teacher. You are not alone, and it is off this premise that we have assembled the arsenal of ‘101 Transformers’ to equip you to either head off or take on and take out inappropriate behaviours that disrupt class momentum and stymie flow, often ruining the well-planned learning experiences of all.

Inappropriate pupil behaviour needs to be dealt with at the first showing. Stock up on your strategies and be prepared and ready to effectively act.

Acquire the 101 behaviour transformers, a veritable treasure trove of intervention strategies and techniques that will equip you to meet head-on the needs of any pupil exhibiting a challenging behaviour in your class. 

Our techniques cover the suite of preventative and management techniques such as active listening, establishing routines, learning environment, generating agreements, communicating calmness, effective commands, self-management routines…… and just about another 94 gamechanger ideas to add to your own existing repertoire. 

Begin to practice an active and transformative approach to behaviour management and experience a renewed enthusiasm for the teaching day and the job at hand. 
Get on board with our pro-active and transformative approach to classroom behaviour management and experience a renewed enthusiasm for the teaching day and become an empowered you.

As a first step to getting and keeping better class control, get on board this course with us this summer and exit to September 2024, equipped with the most current behaviour management techniques, strategies and insights.

And remember, when Jack acts the lad, acts out or misbehaves, you will

  • Communicate clearly with Jack, using understandable vocabulary
  • Be firm and direct
  • Use your tone and voice carefully. You won’t get angry or emotional.
  • Be rational and objective
  • Always provide a time to listen to Jack
  • Ignore Jack’s trivial denials
  • Once Jack is back on task, you move on with the lesson, somewhat smug in the afterglow of the feeling of how well you dealt with Jack, following on from your in-service course with CPD College.

Now, where is that enrol button?


The online format of this course enables you to study at a time and place that best suits your own needs. 

You can access your course from July 1st to August 16th 2024.

Within this highly interactive web based course, a dynamic learning experience awaits, where you can interact with your fellow course participants through the in-course chat forums and communication tools provided by the CPD College learning system. 

Our friendly and knowledgeable tutors actively support each course, providing expert interaction, guidance and feedback for all participants on chat questions and assignments which call for critical reflection, self-analysis and a reasoned response. 

On successful completion of your course, you can download and print off your CPD record and certificate of completion.

We look forward to welcoming you to your course.

Learning outcomes

This course aims to

  • Set out the suite of general characteristics & dispositions, skills & practices, possessed of and deployed by the most effective behaviour management teachers on a daily basis
  • Equip all participants with the knowledge, understandings, skills and tips with which to achieve better behaviours for learning
  • Optimally configure and set out the learning environment i.e. displays / rotas / movement plans etc
  • Devise and implement appropriate reward systems
  • Familiarise teachers with the details and workings of the Problem Solving Model for behaviour intervention
  • Describe and illustrate a range of effective behaviour intervention practices
  • Set out the principles that support effective communication
  • Deliver relationship building and relationship maintenance techniques
  • Look at, review and score one’s own ‘Teacher Practice in Literacy’ as part of the SSE process
01 - General behaviour management / Whole Class: We explore positive / pro-active / principled approaches to getting and maintaining good behaviour for learning; from classroom as a well-engineered learning zone, to the good routines, agreements and reward systems that keep it so. Complete a detailed self-evaluation audit across 23 points of practice.
02 - Specific behaviour management / Social, emotional and behavioural difficulties (SEBDs): we look at examples of SEBD, examine the 4 sensations and explore how a different underlying sensation can warrant a different intervention strategy. We detail a suite of strategies / plans and steps to pro-actively support the child with an SEBD.
03 - Strategic problem solving model: We present the 5 step Problem Solving Model towards solving more serious behaviour problems, together with two illustrating case-studies and a diverse range of effective intervention strategies, itemising the place for tapping into ICT too.
04 - Communication and the art of persuasion: looking at and understanding resistance to change from school itself, parents, children or perhaps oneself and what to do, followed by a treatment of the 5 principles that govern good communication, particularly with students and their parents / guardians.
05 - Relationship building and teacher mindsets: we acknowledge the stresses and strains that SEBD can exert on the teacher / teaching & learning equation and highlight the issues. We provide helpful insights, positive support strategies and share coping tips from the world of psychology to keep teacher positive and strong!

"I enjoyed this course and it really helped me to reflect on things that I need to be more mindful of such as the language I use, and how I need to ensure that I have a positive connection with all children. I also enjoyed watching the videos. It was a very well structured, organised, balanced, interesting and informative course. Thank you!"  Rachael, 2023